TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Man! Talk about lazy
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Subject Man! Talk about lazy
Posted by NytWolf on March 28, 2007 at 10:29 AM
  This message has been viewed 138 times.
In Reply To Re: You want just the rims or the entire wheel? posted by mobetta002 on March 28, 2007 at 04:37 AM
Message Just call them (didn't see you were a Sac-local the first time). What's so wrong with calling them?

If you've ever ordered anything so expensive, you'll be thankful they don't post their prices online. Yeah, the prices will be up there, at least $500 each wheel for those 2-piece wheels. So what's the difference, really? Even if they competitively bid each other, the price difference will only be a couple bucks.

Pssst! I'll let you in a secret about Work wheels (actually, it's not a secret at all if you call and talk to them). Each Work wheel is imported exclusively by one of the authorized importer (who can also be a dealer). Only that authorized importer can import that particular wheel model. And because of this, even if a competing dealer can get that same wheel, they have to go through the authorized importer. So it doesn't matter who you go through. Just find someone you want to develop a relationship with and do it.

Oh yeah, and because the wheels come from Japan, there is a 2-month shipping period, plus a 30-day wait in customs. You're looking at roughly 90 days, plus. I waited SIX months for mine.

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